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sabato 12 settembre 2009
Pubblicato da R@MsEs

Grand Theft Auto 3

Phil has created a Bender model for the PC version of the third game in the Grand Theft Auto series. Instructions are within, and it's a little more complicated to sort out than most games, so be wary of the methods and make sure to back up the files in question. Instructions are in both English and German.

Download : (85 KB)

Grand Theft Auto New New York (for GTA Vice City only)

Futurama_Freak1 has come up with the goods! He's created a Futurama themed mod for the popular game Grand Theft Auto Vice City, which puts the GTA game in the realms of New New York. Yes, now you can thieve and cause destructive mayhem in the name of Futurama. Woo-hoo! Remember, though, that this mod is only for GTA Vice City and the instuctions for modding the game are contained within the rar file. Please remember that before trying to download this 66MB file that's not hosted on our own server, because it's only for GTA Vice City. Got that? Good! Oh, I also should say that this mod is a beta, so if you don't want to experiment with something that might be buggy, then don't install. If, however, you're fine with that sort of thing, then feel free to mod away. When the final version comes about, then this link should be changed and this warning removed. Any complaints about getting the mod should be directed to Futurama_Freak1-MOD, as well as any praise or ideas. Enjoy!

Download : Gta_Nny_Beta_1.rar (66 MB)
You can also visit the mod's own dedicated site to download the file, as well as get further information and news about the mod.

GTA Vice City Fry player model

Download: (58k)


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